The World YWCA has issued a statement for the International Women’s Day:
“Women across the world still face daily obstacles to their empowerment and constraints to their freedoms. We can speak tirelessly about the existing educational and economic disparities between men and women; the poor representation of women in politics and public life in our countries; and the persistence of cultural and traditional practices that legitimise discrimination against women and girls in our communities.
All of these areas of inequity have a strong impact on the development of the social, economic and political spheres of nations, but also on the overall well-being of a society. Much more so, is the desperate situation of young women and girls, whose rights are often violated and for many of whom there is few opportunities.” Read the full statement. And for a full report of the UN session on International Women’s Day, including YWCA Women participating, check out this report on the World YWCA site.